The Mediterranean diet, also known Cretan diet or Mediterranean diet is a practice primary food in many countries nearby the Mediterranean Sea characterized by eating plentifulness of fruits, vegetables, cereals and olive oil and a low consumption of meat and dairy products.
Several studies show that the Mediterranean diet can:
- reducing mortality and morbidity from cardiovascular disease;
- sell out the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease;
- improve the occasion of gravidity while assisted fertilization;
- maintaining a salutary brain.
Health Benefits
Its effectiveness is difficult to compare because it is based primarily on observational studies (the plan is noted for each individual, without anyone trying to convert it) and can not be excluded in this case, a bias in the comparison of several populations. Few interventional studies are of type (the analyst intentionally alters the habits of a group of patients), but not double-blind, this does not exclude a placebo effect.
Another technique is to compare the time to come within the same people group following a serious diet and a group of dropouts. The comparability of these two groups, however, must be determined tested.
The studies should be used with caution, because covering the Mediterranean area, people on this project are often also more health conscious and pay more attention to salutary living and notice bias may exist.
Medical research
In 1970, a comparative study which focused on seven countries closed that Cretan men had exceptionally low rates of death from cardiovascular disease, despite moderate to high fat.
Nearly 30 years later, a study called Lyon Diet Heart Study tested a kind of Mediterranean diet pragmatically adapted to other cultures and lifestyles, having found that many of those followed in this study, only patients who survived a first heart attack, would be reluctant to replace butter with olive oil. Patients used a margarine based on rapeseed oil and 20% increased their consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C and bread, while reducing red and processed meats (sausages). This project led to a dramatic drop (-70%) of all-cause mortality. The success was such that the ethics committee has decided to desist the study prematurely, to make these results publicly ready immediately.
In 2008, a new study closed that the primary Mediterranean diet significantly decreased the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This study involved a panel of over 13 000 graduates from the University of Navarra (Spain), no history of diabetes, recruited from December 1999 to November 2007, and whose dietary habits and health were then followed. The participants first completed a questionnaire of 136 points on their diets, together with the use of fats and oils, cooking methods and dietary supplements. Participants were given every two years a new questionnaire to monitor their diet, their lifestyle, risk factors, and their medical condition. The onset of diabetes was confirmed by medical tests. while the follow-up period (median 4.4 years), researchers at the University of Navarra found that participants who have intimately followed a Mediterranean diet had a lower risk of diabetes. Exact yielding with this regime was associated with a discount of 83% relative risk of developing diabetes.
It is foremost to distinguish the practice of food "diets" or "regimes" of everyday language, most cons are proving productive. Upon completion of these restrictive diets, the pounds are soon regained. Here it is more of a lifestyle, sustainable, and whose benefits are felt in the short and medium term.
Some features of this principles are found in parts of southern France, according to some authors and could help account for the French paradox, but they are two concepts that should not be confused.
More about the Mediterranean diet
Diabetes And Pregnancy:The Mediterranean Diet and Recipes