A good yeast infection diet needs to factor-in what causes yeast infections. An sufficient yeast infection diet, by eliminating or reducing foods that encourage the infection, can go a long way to helping cure your yeast infection. But, it also needs to take account of thorough nutrition. Here you'll examine some basic tips for an effective diet.
First, let's look at what causes yeast infections so that you can have a great comprehension of what your diet needs to do.
A yeast infection is caused by a miniature yeast-like fungus or flora we call Candida albicans. Now, this exists plainly inside us. It of course likes the warm, dark, moist areas like the intestinal tract, mouth, vagina, anus, etc. But it can appear almost anywhere.
It's your body's useful bacteria that keeps the flora at manageable levels so that there are no problems. But sometimes the fungus 'overgrows' and causes your yeast infection symptoms. The things or situations that can 'trigger' this are such as; bad diet, diabetes, antibiotics, steroids, lowered immune system, body pH (acidity), pregnancy, etc.
As you can already see, food and diet are at the heart of things. For example did you know that steroids and antibiotics are sometimes used in meat production? And you may already know that sugar 'feeds' yeast. Food can change your body pH. Also, a very poor diet with poor nutritional values can lower your immune system. All things that can give rise to a yeast infection.
So, a good yeast infection diet has to take into account the above. Here are some basic tips to help you with your diet plan:-
1. Your diet should be low in refined sugars and carbohydrates.
2. No 'yeast' foods such as bread, pastries, mushrooms, pizzas, etc.
3. No processed or farmed meats. Organic meats only.
4. Eat abundance of fresh vegetables and vegetable juice.
5. Use only vegetable oil or olive oil when cooking and in salads etc.
6. Cut you sugar intake; sweets, cakes, candies, chocolate, pastries, fruit juices, etc.
7. No coffee or tea. No alcohol.
An sufficient yeast infection diet is central to your rehabilitation and cure. But there are other issues to think for a perfect cure. It's not just getting rid of the symptoms -- as mainstream drug based treatments do -- but addressing the root causes and any fundamental conditions. It has to be a total approach.
That's why many sufferers are turning more and more to total natural rehabilitation programs that look at the complete picture.
Diabetes And Pregnancy:Yeast Infection Diet - 7 Easy Tips For an effective Yeast Infection Diet